The unexpected conversation

A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine came round one evening, and we ended up talking about organic chemistry (as you do)…

And since it has been a while since I last subjected you to my rather awful sketching :





PS. This post was inspired by xkcd, one of my fave webcomics.

Christine and the Queens – Saint Claude :

6 thoughts on “The unexpected conversation

  1. So Who was this friend??? He’s not just a friend any more, anyway…

    Le Jeudi 9 octobre 2014 14h16, Laughing cow in France a écrit : Lady E posted: “A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine came round one evening, and we ended up talking about organic chemistry (as you do)… And since it has been a while since I last subjected you to my rather awful sketching : Christine and the “

  2. Hmmm. That has never happened to me when discussing the subject of organic chemistry, but perhaps that’s because I know nothing at all of the subject. 🙂

    And I like your sketches. Honestly and in a big way. Have you ever thought about selling some?

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